PSIO install on a PU-22 PlayStation

I installed this for a friend this weekend. I won’t go into a lot of detail regarding instructions because there’s an excellent install guide on the PSIO website here.

Fully installed PSIO switch board on a PU-22 board.

It was a fairly delicate install as it required cutting small traces as well as soldering into small vias on the board. It can be nerve wracking severing those signal lines, but far from impossible.

All in all, I think it was a total of 9 soldering points and 5 traces to cut. Not horrible!

It felt really sketchy to cut these. 😬

After I had it wired up, I put the menu.sys file on the root of the SD card, and made a folder for Crash Bandicoot. Now for the fun part…seeing if I messed up testing!

Nice! First try successful!

I have to say, it works pretty well! There is some first time startup mumbo jumbo; joy is only a couple button presses away.

All-in-all this install took about 30 minutes to an hour. If you’ve installed mod chips in the past this isn’t much more difficult; just keep a steady hand and breathe.

If you don’t feel confident in your ability to complete this install, you can request a quote here!

Thanks for checking in!

– Toby